Psychology Today - Why You Must Care About the Meaning of Your Dreams - The Scientific Method

Apr 13, 2014

The basic reason why you must care about the meaning of your dreams is because they are produced by a wise human conscience that gives you precious guidance. Your dreams are not a product of chance, and their disorganized and confused images seem to be so only to the ignorant eyes that don't know the dream language.

The dream language is a like any other language made only with words, with the difference that it is made with images.

You have to translate dream images into words and this way understand the message you are receiving from the wise unconscious mind that is constantly protecting you from the wild side of your brain, which is violent and evil. This dangerous part is totally absurd and keeps trying to destroy the human side of your conscience through craziness and despair.

Only for these two reasons, should you care about the meaning of your dreams without delay.

However, you have many other reasons to do so, because:

1. You see dreams for your entire life without paying anything to anyone, and this means that you can have free private psychotherapy for life only by translating the dream messages.

2. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams helps you solve even the most insignificant problems of your life, because it cares about your mental health and happiness.

3. You don't need to care about the meaning of your dreams everyday if you don't want to, but you must care about translating the meaning of at least the most impressive dreams you'll see, because they certainly contain a prevision or warning. This is precious advice and protection for you.

4. After learning how to translate the meaning of your dreams, you'll know the symbolic language of the unconscious mind and this way you will have information in signs of your daily reality that will give you clues about many things, without even sleeping and dreaming.

5. Translating the meaning of your dreams and following the guidance of the natural doctor that produces them, you'll overcome all your problems and acquire mental health, transforming the wild side of your brain into a positive part of your human side, which means that you'll become more intelligent, using capacities that now belong to the wild side and are not helping you in any way.

I could continue this list indefinitely, because the wise guidance and the free help you have in the dream messages is so precious that it can be applied in all fields of your life, but you have already understood the basics.

Instead of wasting your time reading things that won't help you evolve, learn how to translate the meaning of your own dreams and have all the advantages and the benefits you can have with this knowledge.

You'll have the wisdom of the unconscious mind helping you entirely free of charge for the rest of your life.