Hats Off to Psychology Today !

Apr 19, 2014

I recently reported on my obsessive compulsive behavior and how I found Psychology Today. That's where I caught OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

See http://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/ocd.htm

Fortunately I didn't catch the extreme related disease of trichotillomania which is "the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows or other body hair." Such an urge would be futile for me as I am as bald as Mount Baldy in the Uinta Mountains of Utah.

Anyway, I've saved one heck of a lot of time since I read the article on OCD at the stated reference. Here are some examples of daily time savings:

Not checking if I still have my car keys in my pocket while shopping: 3 minutes

Not paying attention to the thought I wish I were a millionaire: 7 minutes

Not checking again and again if the front, back, and garage doors are locked: 12 minutes

Paying no attention to the urge to draw up grandiose plans: 17 minutes

Ignoring the urge to write down 17 new article ideas: 10 minutes

Not checking to see if my wallet is still in my pocket: 6 minutes

Ignoring the thought that I sold Microsoft too soon on seven occasions: 4 minutes

Not thinking about my lack of expertise at option trading: 3 minutes

Not designing another direct mail get-rich scheme: 25 minutes

Not reading every word in junk mail: 17 minutes

Let's see that is 104 minutes a day or almost two hours. Oh, I forgot a couple:

Not trying to memorize π to 50 decimal places: 12 minutes

Not starting a new novel: 4 minutes

Now that makes 120 minutes or 2 hours a day.

I think we can increase these time savings. Let's see-

Wait! My wife told me to "Get off of it!"

Thanks, Psychology Today!