An Overview of an Online PhD Program in Psychology

Dec 16, 2013

Psychology has always been a field of interest for many. Today counseling by a psychologist or a psychiatrist is no more considered a taboo, like it was before. People are becoming more open and receptive to considering a help of a professional and straighten out their anxiety, depression, mental pressures, etc, to cope with the day to day pressures, and life style. Thus the global recognition and perception of mental health and its benefits is far advanced and friendly. With changing demand, the field of psychology is today one of the most sought after and highly reputed too.

Psychology is the study of human mind. A human mind can behave differently in different circumstances in different people. To study the normal and abnormal behavior of human mind is a field too vast. If you have flair to mingle and deal with people and have the patience to understand their stress and mental and emotional problems then psychology is the course for you.

PhD program in psychology usually takes 5 to 7 years of study. A Masters degree in Psychology from a recognized school is a pre-requisite to secure admission for PhD in Psychology. The subject being vast, there are branches and sub branches that you can choose from as your main. Some schools are particular about a course work in basic maths, science, statistics, while some require a Masters Psychology.

Compassion, understanding, and stability to deal with the unstable mind is a must for a person pursuing a doctorate in psychology. To undergo research in psychologist, one must be anxious to detail every study.
Online PhD in Psychology is very encouraging for those candidates who always wanted to make a career in psychology to the highest attainable grade, and also for those academicians who love the subject. Online Degree in this subject allows you to advance in your respective career while pursuing your educational interest.

Online PhD psychology offers the same programs that an on-campus program offers. Besides you can also access very latest and opinion and knowledge from the internet. Many PhD programs offer flexibility to suit your schedule, personal and professional life. A few programs demand residency program for short time, for clinical and practical sessions, but these again give you choice of place to remain close to your place.

Those who apply for an online PhD in psychology need to be sure about the accreditation of the university and its program before enrolling. Some of the reliable and accredited university in the US that offer Online PhD Psychology courses are Capella University, Walden University, University of Rockies, Argosy University Online and Fielding Graduate University. Each of them offers various courses and subject of study. A non-accredited program is a waste of time and money and energy. Besides it would never be recognized for higher prospects in your job and career.

Some of the most opted courses in Online PhD in psychology are PhD in Human Services, General Psychology, Child Psychology, Educational Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Sports Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Business Psychology, Criminal psychology, Mental Health Administration etc.

Balancing your professional and personal life online PhD program in Psychology helps your achieve your goals and with bright career opportunities.