Relationships always have their ups and downs. If you are having a rough patch and wish to get it back on track, use reverse psychology. It's amazing how well this technique actually works and it's so simple. An example of this is if you usually throw a tantrum in an argument, then do the complete opposite; be calm and say OK then.
Your ex is more than likely sitting at home, over thinking, feeling edgy and waiting for a return call from you. When they know the call is not forthcoming, they get extremely edgy and puzzled. When are they going to call me? Why haven't they called me? Are the thoughts in their mind. These are the thoughts you want them to think; by using this type of reverse psychology will definitely have your ex back.
As days go past your ex is expecting a certain call from you, but don't give in, carry on using reverse psychology and they will give in eventually. Your ex will continue to feel puzzled and every day goes past makes your ex think about the situation a whole lot differently. They will realise that they underestimated you, miss you and begin to know that you don't give in easily.
In the meantime, carry on with your life as you usually do. Go to work, see friends, do new things, only without your ex. You will enjoy this break from them and they will also like the break making them want you more. After a few days, if not, about a week your ex will more than likely give you a call proving that this reverse psychology actually works....try it!
However, don't change your approach - act as if the break up didn't bother you at all and that you got on with your life as per normal. Tell them that you are glad that they are OK and that you're busy and cannot talk for too long. Perhaps tell them that you're going to the bar; this creates more puzzled thoughts.
Need your ex back? Use reverse psychology today, it's proven, it works!