Psychology Today - How To Control The Wild Side Of Your Conscience

Jul 27, 2013

Examining the keywords through which visitors found my websites, I saw that a few people wanted to learn more about the wild side of our conscience, which I discovered after continuing the research of Carl Jung into the unknown region of the psyche and fighting against schizophrenia, with the guidance of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams.

This discovery was in fact given to me. The real story starts with the existence of the saintly unconscious mind and the evil wild conscience and the necessity to transform the wild conscience into a saintly conscience, so that it will be able to live happily. The creation of our planet with an unexplainable variety of animals and plants, that could not be the product of chance, happened in order to give to the wild conscience the necessary environment for its transformation.

The wild conscience acquired an animal body. Part of it was transformed into a human conscience, thanks to all the efforts of the saintly unconscious mind, which is in fact directed by God, the wisest existing conscience.

The wild and the human conscience started to live together inside the human being, while having the guidance of the unconscious mind, that lives inside everyone, helping the human side of the conscience eliminate the evil wild side.

The unconscious mind has been trying to transform the wild conscience into a human conscience for many centuries without success, because evil is stronger than sanctity, since destruction is easier than construction. The wild conscience has the power to destroy everything and it impedes human salvation.

The entire history of mankind is in fact the development of several different processes of transformation, created by the unconscious mind with the intention to eliminate the evilness of the wild anti-conscience and transform it into a positive part of the human conscience.

I discovered this astonishing truth not because I had the indispensable knowledge to do so, but because it was given to me by the unconscious mind in my literature and in my dreams, so that I could "discover it" and relate it to several scientific discoveries of my time.

I was not a genius, but I became one after completely developing the human side of my conscience and eliminating the wild side. If you want to become a genius like me and control the wild side of your conscience, you have to follow my example and fight against it with determination.

Pay attention to the guidance of the unconscious mind in your dreams, and you will understand what your mistakes are and what you have to do in order to correct them and find happiness.

Alone you will never be able to control the anti-conscience, unless you decide to become saintly and dedicate your life to helping the others.

If you cannot be that hero, you need the indispensable guidance of the unconscious mind in your dreams to show you another way to transform your psyche, without so much pain.

You have to be very careful though, if you want to control the wild conscience.

Here is a list of general indispensable precautions for the preservation of your human conscience:

1. Never agree to do anything against anyone, even if the other person did many things against you. You are going to pay for your mistakes in the future, no matter if you made them because you were a victim of somebody else's evilness.

2. Never be immoral. Respect everyone and never agree to any sin, because if you do so, the wild conscience will constantly invade the human side of your conscience, winning more fields there with your acceptance of what is immoral.

3. Be religious. Believe in God because He really exists and He is really saintly as described by all religions. If you don't like the human leaders of your religion, don't blame your religion for that, but only the human evilness that distorts what should be sacred.

This is basic craziness prevention, but you need a lot in order to really stay far from craziness and eliminate this danger forever.

This is why you have to start writing down your dreams and learn how to translate their meaning with my simplification of the complicated method discovered by Carl Jung.

I could simplify this method exactly because I discovered the basic fact about what exists in the ignored side of the human conscience. This is the basic theme of all our dreams, since the wise unconscious mind is always trying to save our human side from the attacks of the anti-conscience and is always trying to help us develop our human personality more completely.

Knowing the basic theme of all dreams, of course the translation of their meaning becomes much simpler and well defined.

Today you can have the privilege of learning a very complicated method in a very clear, well defined and helpful form after its evolution, with the continuation of the research abandoned by the psychiatrist that discovered it.

However the most important thing is that today you know that if you want to preserve the human side of your conscience forever and never become a victim of craziness, you have to lean how to translate the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method.